Soft Credit Report Error "Applicant/Spouse DOB cannot be in the future"


We've identified what's causing the issue. Many users aren't entering their real date of birth when filling out the credit/background authorization page.

Dates that are in the future or younger than 18 years old will cause the credit pull to fail.

Until we can update this, please tell your guarantors to use their real date of birth when they're filling in the information.

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We've been notified of a new error yesterday that affects some of the soft credit reports ordered in BLN. The error notifies the user that the ""Applicant/Spouse DOB cannot be in the future," which isn't correct.

We're reaching out to CIC & Experian to see what they've changed on their end to generate this new error.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

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Affected components
  • BLN - Credit Reports